Best friends

1990 - 2009

Created by Kim 14 years ago
I remember the day I met you Lesley, like it was yesterday... You we sat in the horn section of Aycliffe Silver Band. It was breaktime and Margaret had made cups of tea and opened the hatch as in the middle of every band practice. Everyone got up from their chair apart from you....I thought 'How has spoken to this new person to welcome her'. I came over and sat beside you. Hi, I'm Kim.... After many many nights spending a tenner on halves of lager, dancing to 'The Timewarp'(badly) and walking home barefooted home again you became my best friend, my chief bridesmaid, my daughter's godmother, my Tuesday night 'tea at yours/or mine friend',my witeness at my second wedding and forever the person I chatted or moaned to every week even when you moved hundreds of miles away. I will always talk to you Les.....can you not hear me rabbiting on....