Julie Bridge 8th December 2009

Lesley, when we were kids, We were horrendous to each other, I was stuck with you, When I wanted a big brother. Mam's knitting needles clicked, As she watched T.V, Oblivious to two kids scrapping, So used to you and me. At times whilst wearing your 'borrowed' clothes, I'd make a hasty retreat, When suddenly I spied you, Coming down the street. When it was your turn you walked the dog, Down the dark back lane, When mine, I'd sit on the doorstep, Til I could feasibly go in again. I may have been the loud one, And got into many a scuff, But it was you that was fearless, You that was tough. Ironically we became close, When you flew the nest, And from that day forward, You became the best. Firstly the best sister, Then the best wife, The best mother your kids, Could ever want in life. The best auntie to my children, My nieces and nephews, To everyone you were the best friend they'd ever choose. We never fell out again, And although it sounds absurd, I don't remember any of us, Having one cross word. You were tiny, But your shoulders were so broad, You bent over backwards, To welcome all aboard. You were so loving and caring, Kind hearted and true, The most genuine and sincere, Person I ever knew. Lesley, I hold you in boundless esteem, If there's one thing that I've learnt, Loving someone like you is easy, But great respect must be earned. Lots of love always Les, from Julie xxxxxx